Over 30 Years of Multiplying Results—What’s Next?


Marketing is a constantly evolving landscape. And we believe that creativity and adaptability are the foundation for the eureka moments that fuel success. As we celebrate over 30 years of multiplying marketing results, we’re looking back at where we’ve been and ahead to where we’re going.

The Very Beginning

In 1991, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, Nelson Mandela was freed, and Driving Miss Daisy won an Academy Award. In the basement of a Northern, VA home, a small design company named Communicate By Design was incorporated.

At a time when the internet was very new, we were already planting our roots in the tech of the future. One of our earliest projects was a complete website for a client, where we built an online catalog. We also created a coffee table book and CD as part of the campaign.

What’s in a Name

Fun fact, the original name was actually supposed to be Communications By Design. This changed to Communicate By Design to reflect our focus on results rather than just a product. We’ve been results-focused right from the start.

The Early Years

In 2003, our growth supported hiring our first creative director. She steered the company in the direction of creative work with purpose. (She also mentored a couple of baby designers who would become creative leaders in the company today.) We didn’t know it, but this would be the first step toward becoming a full-service marketing firm.

Complexity Simplified

In 2006 we flexed those newfound creative muscles and created our first tagline, “complexity simplified,” personified by our first secondary icon, a paperclip. At this time, our brand story focused on taming chaos and creating a path to success.

The Recession and the Shift

In 2008, the recession hit. Everyone was finding themselves tightening their belts to get by, and our focus shifted to helping them thrive in a spiraling economy. This is when we really started becoming marketers and not just designers.

Meet Barbara

Around this time, Geico introduced Gecko, Progressive introduced Flo, and we introduced Barbara. She was every association manager and exec we met with, overworked with too many tight budgets and deadlines. In each ad, we helped Barbara tackle her to-do list so she could go on a well-deserved vacation.

Ahead of the Curve

We’ve always been fascinated by the latest technologies and looking for ways to use them in our work. This fascination took root and grew with us as we grew as a company. In 2009 we developed our first web app. We built an entire integrated application system from scratch. The system consisted of a print-on-demand eCommerce website with online proofing and an order management application.

The X Factor

In 2013, we officially added the X factor. We expanded our services to include branding and marketing and began working with several small businesses. With our growing expertise, we officially became a full-service marketing firm. We added the X becoming Communicate By Design X.

Real-World Results

One of those businesses was a small financial planning and investment management company we rebranded as Red Clover. After a complete rebrand and redesign of their website, they received more requests in the first 2 months than they had in the previous 4 years.

No, We Don’t Have “Special Brownies”

It was always the plan to change our name, so we shortened it to cbd-x. For several years, this was fine. It was easier to say than our full name, allowing us to keep the equity our brand had built over the years. But, starting around 2017, we began getting these calls from people asking us if we sold CBD products, to which we replied, “uh, nope, sorry.” During initial meetings, we heard everything from “do you have special brownies” to “can I buy some gummies.” As cannabis products began to grow in popularity, this happened more and more frequently.

We knew two things:

  • We knew this was only going to get worse as time went on.

  • We provide strategic marketing and branding services utilizing the latest technology for our clients.

It was time for us to take our own advice and point our expertise inward. So, in 2020, we decided it was time for a new name and started brainstorming.

Welcome to ANA•LITK

And without further a due, meet ANA•LITK marketing: our new name. We’re the same company with the same values, but now with a name that invokes who we are!


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Meet ANA•LITK: Communicate By Design X Renames as ANA•LITK