What Should Be on a Career Page?


Your company’s career page is one of the most important tools you have for attracting and recruiting top talent. It’s where potential candidates go to learn more about your company, the open positions you have, and what it’s like to work for you. This is why it’s crucial that your career page is informative, easy to use, and engaging.

Here’s a brief overview of some things you’ll want to include on your careers page.

Career Page Essentials

A Clear & Concise Overview of What You Do

The first thing potential employees will want to know is what your company does. You’ll want to include a clear and concise overview of what you do on your careers page.

This could include a condensed version of your “about us” statement, your industry, and any notable clients or past projects that showcase your work.

Your Company Values

The goal of your careers page is to give potential employees all the information they’re looking for about your company in one place. In addition to an overview of what you do, you’ll also want to communicate who you are and what you value as a company.

You may want to include things like your mission/vision statements if you have them.

Authentic Look into Company Culture

Potential employees don’t want to hear how great you are. They want to see proof. Give them an authentic glimpse into your company culture with photos and videos.

Try to answer the questions through the photos and videos: What is it like to work for your company? What are your values? Why do people enjoy working for you?

Photos and videos should be high-quality and professional but not too staged. Remember, the goal is to communicate authenticity.

Open Positions with Detailed Job Descriptions

If someone is browsing your careers page, they’re likely interested in working for your company. That means they’re already invested in learning more about your open positions and what it would be like to work for you.

That’s why ensuring your list of open positions is easy to navigate and that your job descriptions are detailed and informative is essential.

Categorizing your open positions, using clear titles, and writing detailed descriptions can help potential clients explore easily.

Call to Action

This is a crucial part of a career page that many companies tend to leave off. For a careers page to be effective, you have to tell potential candidates what you want them to do next. This could be things like applying for a job, signing up for your job alerts, following you on social media, or all of the above.

Getting Started

Whether you’re tweaking an existing careers page or starting from scratch, your company’s careers page can be an incredibly beneficial recruitment marketing tool. But in order for it to be effective, you’ll need to write the page with your audience, aka potential employees, in mind.

Have questions about careers pages or other ways to optimize your recruitment marketing? Our team of marketing experts is here to help. Contact us to learn more.


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